Publication & Videos
Vaksin COVID-19 - Record Breaking COVID-19 Vaccination: Public-Private Partnership Report
ProtectHealth's achievement delivering more than 38 million doses, contributing to more than 50% of total vaccinations in the country had refined ProtectHealth into a better landscape of public-private partnership in the healthcare sector. It is indeed the largest partnership between the two healthcare sectors in the history of Malaysia.
PeKa B40 2021 Report
PeKa B40 merupakan satu inisiatif Kerajaan melalui Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) bertujuan untuk menampung keperluan kesihatan golongan berpendapatan rendah (B40) dengan memberi fokus terhadap penyakit tidak berjangkit (NCD).
PeKa B40 2019-2020 Report
PeKa B40’s ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life of the B40 population via disease prevention, early treatment of NCDs and prevention of disease complications towards a productive, healthy living for a better Malaysia.
PeKa B40 Videos
14 Videos
Vaksin COVID Videos
19 Videos